It is finally time to say goodbye to 2020. It has been a year where so much has happened, and I hope for a quieter year next year. Only time will tell if that is a foolish wish!
This year has been mentally exhausting. The pandemic kicked it off, then my son reached the independency-age (he turned two in November) and finally I got a new job in September that have been a challenge.
I need a break and this Christmas break is a good little breather.
I haven't read as much as I wanted this year. I've focused more on crafting, even though I don't have too many finished projects to show. I had a look at my finished projects on Ravelry today, and I've only managed to finish five this year compared to twenty last year. I was quite surprised it wasn't more, because I've felt like I've been crafting a lot. Thinking a bit more about it I have a few projects I've worked on, but I haven't finished this year.
In January I set myself some goals for this year, so let us look at how I did.
I finished my mega mandala blanket, which is huge! I'm very happy with it and it is very snuggly.
I also finished my goldenrod sweater. It is still waiting to be washed though...
I haven't done one single bit on the Last Dance on the Beach blanket. That might be a goal to progress that next year.
I still don't know what pattern to use for the Elderberry shawl.
I did finish Noams Nissehue, but made it a size too big, so I gave it to Shaun.
I started and frogged the Stormy Sky Shawl. I was not happy with my edges at all, but I'll have to give it another go next year.
I finished the little Narwhal and also reviewed the kit.
I did not finish the Christmas calendar so that will have to be finished by summer the latest so it's ready for December 2021.
I still haven't touched the "Single Rose".
I didn't do any sewing or spinning this year.
I did manage to finish four items on my list, and I am quite pleased about that. I also finished a few items not on my list, which I'm quite pleased about.
I do think my list next year will have to be a bit more realistic and with some focus on finishing projects I have on the go.
I wish you a safe and happy new year!

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